This month, Sheppard Mullin’s Organizational Integrity Group continued its exploration of a number of complex compliance matters as part of their “OIG Shorts” series with a discussion on Understanding the Various Layers of a Targeted Compliance Program. This post discusses the importance of a targeted, multi-layered compliance program focused at individual deals, sales, contracts, etc. – as distinguished from the equally important company-wide E&C program previously discussed.Continue Reading Organizational Integrity Shorts: Understanding the Various Layers of a Targeted Compliance Program

Over the past few months, the OIG shorts series focused on structuring and implementing a comprehensive and effective ethics and compliance program. Many times, this requires a mindset shift from a checking-the-box mentality to a wholistic approach in which everyone feels they have an important role to play. Nowhere is this more apropos than in the area of cybersecurity including developing a data security strategy and maintaining an effective incident response plan.Continue Reading Ethics & Compliance: Let’s Talk About Cybersecurity

Welcome back to our second installment of OIG Shorts. In this post, the Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP Organizational Integrity Group focuses on the difference between Checking Boxes and

Continue Reading Organizational Integrity Shorts: Everyone Benefits When An Ethics & Compliance Program Is Integrated Throughout An Organization

Over the course of the next few months, the Sheppard Mullin Organizational Integrity Group will be exploring a number of complex compliance matters in a series we call “OIG Shorts.” Continue Reading Organizational Integrity Shorts: Everyone Benefits When An Ethics & Compliance Program Is Integrated Throughout An Organization

This article was originally published on IP Watchdog.

An employee comes to you with a recipe for your competitor’s “secret sauce.” You know she worked for your competitor before coming to work for you.  How do you respond? It’s an important question, because it may go to the core integrity of your organization and because exploring this trade secret conundrum may offer some decision-making principles that businesses can apply when addressing other difficult decisions that they are being called to make in these stressful COVID-19 times. 
Continue Reading To Disclose Or Not To Disclose: Responding to Trade Secrets Misappropriation by an Employee?